Saturday, February 03, 2007

Richardson at the DNC: Step Back, Here Comes the Next President!

Ok, so I am a little late to the party. For those of you who do read my blog from time to time, many of you know that on weekends I work in a neonatal intensive care unit, and put in 12 hour I didn't get to see the speech until just now. My husband, the ruggedly handsome and wonderfully witty Mr. Liberaltruthsayer, put the speech up on our grassroots website "Richardson Brings Hope" and I just saw it. I had to call him halfway through just out of my mind with excitement, wanting to share it with someone! Watching this video I know...KNOW...Richardson is the right choice for potus.

Haven't seen it? Really? Take a look here...(gratuitous plug for our website Richardson Brings Hope).

Richardson is witty, he is forceful, he is great with the crowd, he is even amazingly able to work all of his ideas and accomplishments into the meager seven minutes allotted by the committee. (Not really, but it was funny so I said it).

Richardson shows us time and again WHY he should be the nominee. I believe in my heart that if we nominate Richardson we have the best shot at winning the White House. I believe in my heart that if we elect Bill Richardson president we will begin to solve so many of the problems facing our country and indeed our world.

Governor Richardson, you absolutely blew me away today. I am so proud to call myself a consitutuent, a supporter, and a grassroots activist for your effort.

Viva Richardson!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Holy Sh!t Batman...Orange Snow!

Yes, that's right...Orange Snow.

It smells bad, too.

And they say it's oily.

Here is the article about the funky snow in Russia...

Makes me feel a hell of a lot better about the white stuff all over my place, it may have been here since the week after Thanksgiving, and it may be here until June yet, but it isn't some unnatural color, and I am not afraid to let my kids go out and play in it.

Orange snow??? Yikes.

Maya Angelou: Molly Shook the Walls With Her Clarion Call

It is not my policy to copy complete works and paste them, but Molly Ivins has gone, and was beautifully eulogized by the incomparable Maya Angelou. Below is her work in its entirety, with my thanks to The Washington Post, the best newspaper in America...LTS.

Molly Ivins Shook the Walls With Her Clarion Call

by Molly Ivins

(Special to the Washington Post)

Up to the walls of Jericho

She marched with a spear in her hand

Go blow them ram horns she cried

For the battle is in my hand

The walls have not come down, but they have been given a serious shaking.

That Jericho voice is stilled now.

Molly Ivins has been quieted.

The writer and journalist, dearly loved and admired by many, hated and feared by many, died <> of cancer in her home on Jan. 31, 2007.

The walls of ignorance and prejudice and cruelty, which she railed against valiantly all her public life, have not fallen, but their truculence to do so does not speak against her determination to make them collapse.

Weeks before she died, she launched what she called "an old-fashioned newspaper crusade" against President Bush's announcement that he was going to send more troops to Iraq.

She wrote, "We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. Every single day every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. We need people in the streets banging pots and pans and demanding, 'Stop it now!' "

Years ago there was a fundraising gala for People for the American Way, and Molly Ivins was keynote speaker. I was a loyal collector and serious Ivins reader, but I had not met the author. Another famous journalist, who was to have introduced her, had his flight canceled in a Southern city. Norman Lear, founder of the organization, asked me to introduce her. I did not hesitate. I spoke glowingly about Ms. Ivins for a few minutes, then, suddenly, a six-foot-tall, red-haired woman sprang from the wings. She strode onto the stage and over to the microphone. She gave me an enveloping hug and said, in that languorous , and accent, "Maya Angelou and I are identical twins, we were separated at birth."

I am also six feet tall, but I am not white. She was under 50 when she made the statement, and I was in my middle 60s, but our hearts do beat in the same rhythm. Whoever separated us at birth must know it did not work. We have been in the struggle for equal rights for all people since we met on that Waldorf Astoria stage. We have laughed together without apology and we have wept when weeping was necessary.

I shall be weeping a little more these days but I shall never forget the charge. Joshua commanded the people to shout and the walls came tumbling down.

Molly,I am shouting,

With two voices,

Walls come down!

Walls come down!

Walls come down!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Dumb and Dumber: Idiot Stoners in Hot Water

Boy I tell you, I have done some wild things in my life, but I have apparently never smoked what these kids have gotten into....

Yesterday the city of Boston was effectively shut down because of these two guys. Apparently they were being contracted for a marketing campaign for Adult Swim on Cartoon Network and were using guerilla marketing tactics, by placing electronic devices around the city that lit up and showed cartoon characters, like Spongebob, giving the one finger salute.

City officials were concerned at first that it was a terrorist attack, but then began a search for stoned pranksters. They found these two geniuses, Sean Stevens and Peter Berdovsky. At their own press conference, facing reporters eager to give us their side of the story, they said they would only address the topic of hairstyles of the 1970's.

Dudes, listen. Pot is supposed to simultaneously open your mind to new ideas and limit your ability to manifest them. It is a whole new world out there, and leaving suspicious packages and devices around a major metropolitan era could land you in Gitmo. But, if it was attention you wanted, well you got it! Next time, try baking cookies.

Introducing Richardson Brings Hope

I would like to invite you all to join me at our new grassroots site for supporters of Governor Bill Richardson for President....

Richardson Brings Hope

We are concerned Americans who believe that this great nation must move beyond the clouds of fear and shadows of division and into a new tomorrow of hope and promise – and the destiny of the American dream.

These extraordinary times call for extraordinary leadership. We yearn for a peacemaker. We need to believe in honesty and promise and honor in our government. We need to believe once more in our dreams – as individuals, and as Americans. We need to believe in hope again.We need Bill Richardson.

Richardson brings hope and hope is the American dream.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Molly Ivins, Greatest Columnist on Earth, Dies

I am almost too sad to write this.

Molly Ivins, the greatest political columnist on the planet, has left us.

Last year she revealed she was undergoing treatment for breast cancer, the details can be read here.

I just want to say that my heart is broken, my hero is gone. Molly is why I write what I write. Molly inspired me continually, and I will miss her so badly.

The world has lost a brilliant, witty, wonderful woman.