Friday, May 11, 2007

Obama on the Kansas Twister

Ten thousand dead?

How I Have Let You Down

Bad! Bad! Lazy blogger!

Well, yes I am, but I have had a lot going on lately. These things include an impending move, a head cold, the death of a friend, my usual "four kids" busy life, and trying to keep up with the activities on the Snarkiest Spot on the Blogosphere...Daily Kos. I have been writing diaries for Governor Richardson, and some other topics as well, and it has consumed a lot of my online time, and mental energy. In between I have been trying to improve my Scrabble game, with not much success.

So here I am. I have some great stuff today that I am going to get on here. I can't believe I have neglected you in light of the Gonzo scandal, the Republican War Revolt, and the Wolfowitz Girlfriend Promotion Scandal. I am so sorry.

Bear with me for the next few weeks with the move, I may be sans internet service for a few days as service from one place will disconnect before I get fully moved into the second place.