This post I ripped from
MWhe ripped from
I don't know where it came from but I liked it and decided to blog it myself.
The Food MemeHow do you like your eggs?
I like them many ways. First and foremost, huevos rancheros, smothered in green chile and cheese. I also love a nice fried egg sandwich, with a little bit of a runny yolk. Messy but good. I like soft boiled eggs, but despise hardboiled. Hard yolks make me mad.
How do you take your coffee/tea?
I am a true believer in coffee. I love it I love it I love it. Cream and Splenda. Tea is good with honey if it is hot, and if it is iced I love southern sweet tea, but rarely indulge. I love mint iced tea. It is incredibly refreshing on a hot day. Oh and also, I love iced coffee. MMMM
Favorite breakfast foods:I am a breakfast burrito fan. Give me eggs, potatos, bacon or sausage, cheese and green chile wrapped in a tortilla and I will be a happy camper for the entire day. But I don't get these often, so I am a grouchy LTS. I think this is why I am snarky. I missed breakfast today, but usually I will have cereal with the kids, or sometimes toast, or sometimes a Slimfast (not food).
Peanut butter: smooth or crunchy?
I love peanut butter, crunchy or smooth, but mostly buy smooth because of my son. I am using a lot of "natural" peanut butters these days, which the kids are liking too, cool. I am a sucker for Goober Grape, sadly. Oh and I make a really incredible peanut butter cookie that uses NO FLOUR. I will share the recipe upon request. They are insane.
What kind of dressing on your salad?
Depends on my mood. I have always loved Bleu Cheese, YUMMO. Sometimes I prefer a nice vinegarette, like balsamic or raspberry, just depeneds on the mood, and what is on the salad.
Coke or Pepsi?
I am not a drinker of either, but will drink the diet versions sometimes. I am more inclined toward the coffee and teas.
You're feeling lazy. What do you make?
I try to keep on hand something easy to make that the kids will like to eat too. Spaghetti. Nachos. Frozen burritos. Frozen dinners. I often feel lazy.
You're feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?
Well, I live pretty rurally, so there is only one place that actually delivers pizza. I am not a huge fan of theirs, but it is ok. There is another pizza joint in town with better pies, so we tend to pick them up. I like everything on a pizza. We lived in St. Louis for 7 years and you can really only get St. Louis style pizza there unless you go Pizza Hut. I hated it. Cracker thin crust, dry sauce that tastes like tomato paste straight from the can with oregano sprinkled on it, and meager toppings, and PROVEL cheese. Sorry. I need sauce. I need mozzerella. I need toppings.
You feel like cooking.I make a great lasagna. My dad taught me how, and he was a great cook. My Aunt Dolly gave me her recipe for eggplant parm, and so that is always good. I make a great carne adovada, which is pretty easy, and absolutely delicious.
Do any foods bring back good memories?Girl Scout cookies...I had them for dinner the night before my daughter, Amanda, was born. Many cookies, many varieties. I was going in for a c-section in the morning, and was so excited about her birth, the cookies will always remind me of that feeling.
Lasagna, because of my dad. I remember him with that giant pot of sauce, taking little bits of leftover meats he had saved in the freezer for months and throwing them into the pot, no matter what that meat was. The end result was fantastic.
The chicken salad at Shugga's in St. Louis. Debbie adds a little curry powder to the mix, and it is fantastic. I swear my son is comprised chemically of at least 15% chicken salad from Shugga's.
Do any foods bring back bad memories?
Well though I love them, boston baked beans remind me of my dad dying, one of his friends wives brought over a huge pan of them and I survived on them probably well past their "eat by date".
Do any foods remind you of someone?Sure. Many foods do that. Too many to list. In fact, I think I can associate everything I have ever eaten with someone in my life, past or present.
Is there a food you refuse to eat?
I pretty much will eat anything except I do not like the texture of OKRA, and I will not eat any organ of any animal ever. ICK.
What was your favorite food as a child?Nutter Butters, either the wafer style or the peanut shaped cookie. Burgers. Mashed potatoes with gravy. Pasta.
Is there a food that you hated as a child but now love?
I cannot even imagine. I think I have always had the same taste in food.
Is there a food that you loved as a child but now hate?No, but there are plenty I avoid...
Favorite fruit:I love fruit. Pears when they are super ripe, yum. Peaches if they are very ripe and fragrant. Pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, any berrries. I just love fruit.
Favorite vegetable?Same with veggies, I really like everything but Okra.
Favorite junk food:
I really love nachos. I love ice cream too. I can't think of anything else right now.
Favorite between meal snack:
I love chocolate.
Do you have any weird food habits:MW wrote...."I hate hard-frozen ice cream, so I will microwave a bowl of it for 8 to 12 seconds, depending on the strength of the microwave. I get it to a perfectly soft (drive-inn) consistency. I don't melt it to liquid form." I completely concur.
You're on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?Salads, veggies, veggie soups, fruit, coffee, water.
You're off your diet. Now what would you like?Whatever isn't nailed down or moving on its own.
How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?
I like both Indian and Thai, but their ideas of spicy are a whole lot spicier than even the local stuff here in New Mexico. New Mexican foods I order hot. Indian/Thai mild.
Can I get you a drink?Sure I would love a glass of wine.
Red wine or white?I love both red and white wine. In the summer I tend more toward the whites like Pinot Grigio or something like that, not too dry, but chilled. I love red wines, like Shiraz, Merlot, and a good Cabernet.
We only have beer:Well there is a great New Mexico microbrew called Alien ale. I love that. I like Boulevard from Kansas City. Honey Wheat is not bad either.
Favorite dessert?
I love dessert, and have always tended toward the chocolatey ones. But this weekend I was at Appleby's, and the special was an Orange Dreamsicle cake. I have to say this was the MOST DELICIOUS dessert I have ever ever had. It was absolutely perfect. Light, creamy, orangey, tasted exactly like the name, but was far more fantastic. Oh man. Now I want one.
The perfect nightcap?A shot of amaretto and a couple of benadryl. Nite nite.