Thursday, September 07, 2006


In what is being most generously described as a slanderous, terror-mongering pack of lies aimed at influencing voters by playing to base emotions and exploiting the tragedies of 9/11, ABC has refused to provide advance copies of this pile of lies to members of the Clinton administration, including Sandy Berger and Madeleine Albright, though they did provide copies to some of the most obscure right-wing bloggers. Clearly this is no more than cheap pandering.


Of COURSE 9/11 was the fault of the Clinton Administration! Of course it was Clinton's fault. Of course the Clinton family has a long, well documented relationship with the Bin Laden family, business and personal. Clinton's relatives all had connections to the Saudi royal family, and his father was even having breakfast with them in DC the morning of September 11, 2001. Clinton also stepped into action and whisked the Saudis out of the country, including several members of the Bin Laden family, in the aftermath of the attacks, before they could be interviewed. Clinton is a very bad man.

I will never forget the moment Clinton was informed of the attacks, sitting there in that elementary school stumbling over "My Pet Goat," that blank, expressionless, none-too-bright stare. What was he thinking? Don't you remember? Weren't you ashamed that this man was running our country and was so obviously out of his depth? I know I was. Didn't you think to yourself, "Jesus, isn't Clinton ever going to get up and take charge?" Weren't those a long seven minutes?

I will never forget how Clinton failed to take charge on that day, and instead took the cowardly dash around the country for hours, place to place... run rabbit run.

What??? oops...sorry never mind.


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    You might be encouraged by this bit of good news: Dr. Robert Bowman Wins Democratic Primary!! If you don't already know why it's good news, then you will have to skim the article to find out why.


  2. How quick we forget, I knew it would not take you Liberals very long to jump on this one, did we forget the Michael Moore documentary which you hail as nothing but the truth and it was filled with nothing but a pack of lies.

    Now we have the Clinton..nistas coming out and trying to censor this movie even after ABC made certain disclaimers, and you have the nerve to talk about the Republicans trying to take away freedoms.

    The Republicans did not try and censor Moore's little pack of lies nor did they try and censor the Regan Movie, you people sure do have the nerve to come out and scream about this one.....I guess it is only the truth when the liberals say it is the truth....hope you enjoy path to 9/11.....

  3. I will never forget the moment Clinton was informed of the attacks, sitting there in that elementary school stumbling over "My Pet Goat," that blank, expressionless, none-too-bright stare. What was he thinking? Don't you remember? Weren't you ashamed that this man was running our country and was so obviously out of his depth? I know I was. Didn't you think to yourself, "Jesus, isn't Clinton ever going to get up and take charge?" Weren't those a long seven minutes?

    I will never forget how Clinton failed to take charge on that day, and instead took the cowardly dash around the country for hours, place to place... run rabbit run.

    LT you know this is about the biggest bunch of bullshit you have ever published nothing but pure Hogwash and hate, it is people like yourself that will eventually destroy this country with your twisted fucking mind...go smoke some more dope and fry that pea brain of your even some more....and quit reading all of the bullshit you find on the net.

  4. To make it a point that all you write is bullshit, see someone has to call BS on you.

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Yes, isn't it rich that this movie is a lie about a lie? The first lie is how it happened and who really had a part in it. The new lie is a pathetic attempt to attribute the fake/intentional "failures" behind the first lie to a democrat. It is yet another attempt to convert this country to one-party rule, just like the old Soviet Union. That's the sort of America that Rocky obviously believes in now.

    It's hard to believe Rocky was probably once a government-hating, backwoods conservative before the corporate mafia took over the once-honest republican party -- and then took over the mainstream media and used it to brainwash people like Rocky (I'll bet he temporarily returned to his old government-hating ways while Clinton was in office).

    The corporate mafia knows that most republican voters blindly vote a straight-party ticket, regardless of their candidates ("because we can't let a hippie democrat get into office, now can we?!"). Members of the corporate mafia must certainly have thought to themselves, "Hmmm, blindly loyal republican voters. What better way to get elected? And you know, deep down in your heart, that they would defend us to the death if we were ever accused of any criminal behavior, because -- hey! -- we're republicans! Check your skepticism and common sense at the door!"

    True to form, now that the members of the corporate mafia have been safely installed in office, those same blindly loyal republican voters are staunchly refusing to believe any of their elected representatives are criminals. Why? "Because "they're republicans! That's why! No criminal would EVER join the republican party. Criminals would NEVER try to fool God-fearing republican voters into thinking they are patriotic, red-blooded Americans simply to get elected. Would they? And, even if they did fool us, they're still republicans! That's all that matters. Better a criminal republican who is hell-bent on destroying this nation and our constitutional freedoms in an orgy of greed than an honest democrat or honest third-part candidate!"
