Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bill Richardson May Go To North Korea

SEOUL (Reuters) - A former U.S. cabinet member who has held discussions with North Korean officials in the past over the North's nuclear ambitions may be planning a fresh trip to Pyongyang, Yonhap news agency reported on Tuesday.
North Korea defied international warnings and test-fired seven missiles on July 5. It has also refused to return to six-country talks stalled since last November on ending its nuclear weapons program.
Bill Richardson, a Democrat and Clinton administration official who is currently governor of New Mexico, was in talks with the North about a visit sometime soon, Yonhap said, citing a diplomatic source in Seoul.
Richardson had been in discussions with the North Korean mission to the United Nations in New York about the visit, Yonhap cited the source as saying.



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  2. You know the losers in the White House must really (finally!) be suffering from the consequences of being total losers if they now have to call on one of the members of the party they've demonized with such vehemence for the past five years. Just imagine how much arrogant pride they must have had to swallow to call on a democrat.

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  3. I am sure this burns them. Of course they can't call him an "official envoy". Nitwits.

  4. Wasn't Richardson part of the last FUBAR with North Korea, you know when the Clinton Regime ruled the land.
